
For a brochure to be an effective marketing tool, you need to know your target audience.  Who are you trying to convince that you have the right product, the right service or the right cause for that person to contact you? It’s best to create an utilitarian piece that is attractive, simple and direct.

Brochures fall into two general categories (1) those that introduce a new product, service or cause to a likely consumer or supporter and (2) those that turn an already interested person into a customer, client or donor.

10 Ways to Create an Effective Brochure
1.   Think about your marketing objective(s), before being concerned about the look
2.   Provide the printer with good quality, professional artwork.
3.   Emphasize the unique and primary marketing point(s) upfront
4.   Be upfront about prices or donation requests, don’t be timid
5.   When printing large quantities, avoid specific dates
6.   Consider how it will be mailed or distributed
7.   Use a font and a font size that is read easily.
8.   Each illustration or photo should be appropriate and emphasize your message(s)
9.   The design should be crisp, clear and pleasing to the eye
10. Use professional graphic designers and printers.  On the cheap looks cheap!

To save on costs, discuss your vision for the brochure and your budget with your printer.  Here are a few tips to consider:
1.    Think about the dimensions, number of pages, paper stock, bindery and color choices of the piece.
2.    Photographs should always be high resolutions (300dpi), no website photographs, icons and other small graphics, especially if the job has large dimensions, than it can become hazy, distorted etc.
3.    Art should be commercial print ready and have the ability to allow the printer to make minor changes/corrections (should be free).

Contact us for a free evaluation before you consider designing and printing promotional materials.