Source: The Nonprofit Times
Nonprofits need to be very wise with the money they spend if they are to remain fiscally healthy. This is especially true for small organizations which, by their definition, have smaller budgets. This means that when it comes time to hire a new employee, they need to make sure they are making the right call.
Below are six hiring tips that will help your organization make sound decisions when bringing in new workers. Following them will not guarantee you success, but they will increase the chances of striking gold.
- Don’t Expect to Hire Someone Like You: Each applicant you interview will be different and, more than likely, will be nothing like you. Just because you have one philosophy of getting things done doesn’t mean you have to hire someone who shares that view. In fact, it can be beneficial to hire someone with a different viewpoint, as long as the individual’s skills mesh with the organization.
- Know What to Expect: Make sure you do your homework on the candidate so that there are no surprises should you decide to hire him.
- Know Your Management Style: You have to be honest with yourself about what your managing style is. If, for example, you want to hire someone who is independent, you shouldn’t be the type of manager who constantly checks-in on employees.
- Avoid Deadlines: Setting a deadline to bring in a new employee is only setting yourself for failure. Set aside enough time so that when you finally find the right candidate, you are confident you made an informed decision.
- Design A Training Program: Make sure you have a written outline for how you will train your new employee. Many misunderstanding can occur simply because individuals are not properly introduced to the expectations of their new boss.
- Find a Reputable Background Check Company: It’s very important that every applicant you interview is subjected to a thorough background check. Do ample research so that you find a company that is trustworthy and efficient.