by justprinting | Dec 1, 2011 | Non-profit
Source: Chronicle of Philanthropy by Caroline Preston It’s one of the holy grails of philanthropy: Finding ways to steer more donor money to the highest-performing nonprofits rather than to less-effective or downright fraudulent groups. A new study by GuideStar and...
by justprinting | Dec 1, 2011 | Uncategorized
Next to your business card, the purpose of a brochure is to attract people to your business with a little more targeted information. It also duals in purpose, one of which is to inform your target audience of business’s offering of products and services, and...
by justprinting | Nov 30, 2011 | Uncategorized
Companies can save substantial amounts of money by eliminating the need for envelopes. The possibility of creating a self-mailer should be considered with any direct mail piece. A self-mailer is simply a piece of mail that doesn’t require an envelope. All of the...
by justprinting | Nov 28, 2011 | Non-profit
Source: The NonProfit Times It is said that myths are the ways by which a society defines and identifies itself. If that is so, what do the myths it accepts say about the nonprofit sector? At the DMA Nonprofit Federation conference, Shannon McCracken of Special...
by justprinting | Nov 22, 2011 | Uncategorized
Source: CBSMoneyWatch By Kimberly Weisul In July, Harvard researchers released a working paper showing that companies with more women on their boards of directors and in senior positions tended to have more active corporate philanthropy efforts, and to give more...