by justprinting | Sep 4, 2012 | Uncategorized
Source: Business2Community By Scott Vetter There has been a lot of online discussion regarding Outbound vs. Inbound marketing, with many people claiming the death or chiding the pointlessness of Outbound tactics. Well, there are probably already too many cooks in the...
by justprinting | Aug 20, 2012 | Non-profit
Source: GuidesStar Excerpted from How to Raise $500 to $5000 From Almost Anyone Andy RobinsonSooner or later you’ll have this experience. After a few words of explanation—”Hi Leroy, this is Andy Robinson. I’m following up on the letter I sent about...
by justprinting | Aug 16, 2012 | Non-profit
Source: KCBS TV San Francisco The state Senate has convened a panel to consider whether nonprofit hospitals in California provide enough charity care to deserve the tax-exempt status that grants them huge tax breaks and subsidies. The Senate Select Committee on...
by justprinting | Aug 15, 2012 | Non-profit
Source: Philanthropy Today Nonprofit California medical centers could face stricter oversight on charity care following an audit in which it was found that facilities offer widely varying levels of free or reduced treatment for the poor and sometimes fail to submit...
by justprinting | Aug 7, 2012 | Uncategorized
Source: Nonprofit Quarterly by Gregory D. Saxton The future that has already happened is not within [the organization]; it is outside: a change in society, knowledge, culture, industry, or economic structure. It is, moreover, a break in the pattern rather than a...