Here is a collection of money saving tips and ideas gleaned from various expert articles.
Save Money – Get a Good Quote
Get several quotes then contact us for a FREE audit of your printing job, before making a decision.
Save Money with Envelopes and Self-Mailers
- Save costs by making a newsletter or brochure into a self-mailer and save the cost of an envelope and possibly save postage costs as well.
- When designing a piece that will be enclosed in an envelope, it’s important to consider size and shape of the document, not only for appearance but because if custom-sized envelopes are required it adds to the cost and complexity of the job.
Save Money with Imposition
- Reduce the cost of adding a third color to a job. Run black with blue on one side of the press sheet. Then run black with green on the other side. You may incur a slight extra charge for the color change but not as much as if you were mixing black, blue, and green all on one sheet and having to run each side through the press multiple times.
- Reduce the cost of four-color process printing. If planning a publication that mixes black and white with some four-color process illustrations — plan all color so that it falls on one side of a press sheet or all within a single signature when the job consists of multiple signatures.
Save Money on Binding
- Binding can include additional steps such as hole punching, scoring, folding, collating, stitching, gluing, and trimming — the more steps involved, the greater the cost. Where possible, choose a binding method that reduces the need for extra finish steps.
- If your binding requires a special type of fold that your printers’ folding machine can’t handle, hand-folding is necessary and adds to the cost. Talk to your printer about what types of standard folds they can handle and design accordingly.
- Less durable binding options including saddle-stitching for booklets and perfect binding for books are less costly than thermal, wire, or perfect bound methods.
- Covers, whether ring binders or glued or stitched soft or hard covers add to the finished costs.
Contact us and let us help you decide on the best and most economical way to produce your printing needs.