
What is your time worth?

Source CBSNewsMoneyWatch If a colleague dropped by your desk every day and asked you for $20, you probably wouldn’t keep giving it to her. Yet many folks burn through 20 minutes waiting for tardy colleagues to start meetings, listening to stories that go on...

6 Hiring Tips For Small Nonprofits

Source: The Nonprofit Times Nonprofits need to be very wise with the money they spend if they are to remain fiscally healthy. This is especially true for small organizations which, by their definition, have smaller budgets. This means that when it comes time to hire a...

Give Your Newsletter a Reason to Live

Source: Nonprofit Marketing Guide  by Kivi Leroux Miller What’s Your Newsletter’s Purpose in Life? Newsletters can consume huge amounts of time and money, and if you don’t know why you are producing the thing — really know why — then you...