
Give Your Newsletter a Reason to Live

Source: Nonprofit Marketing Guide  by Kivi Leroux Miller What’s Your Newsletter’s Purpose in Life? Newsletters can consume huge amounts of time and money, and if you don’t know why you are producing the thing — really know why — then you...

Finding The Right Commercial Printing Service

Many people don’t realize how big the difference is between commercial printing and printing for normal people. They’ll usually just walk down to the local copy center and assume they’ll do just as good a job as anyone. That’s not the case though. The difference is...

5 Tips When Choosing Stationery

With so many papers available, how do you decide what papers to choose for your business stationery? Here are a few basics to keep in mind: Start with the basics. Letterhead is typically printed on an uncoated, 20 to 28 pound bond paper. For business cards, consider...

5 Great Ideas For Creating a Great Brochure

Next to your business card, the purpose of a brochure is to attract people to your business with a little more targeted information.  It also duals in purpose, one of which is to inform your target audience of business’s offering of products and services, and...