
Is Your Nonprofit’s Board Prepared for Change?

Source: Philanthropy Journal by Terrie Temkin Everyone is talking about succession planning today.  Much of the conversation is motivated by the large numbers of baby boomer executives expected to retire in the next few years. While this is a real concern deserving of...

Nonprofits Get Creative in Raising Money

Source: Washington Post By Vanessa Small Nonprofits have had to become ever more creative as the economic slowdown lingers — and their work is only just beginning. Two of the  Washington DC region’s largest philanthropic organizations, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac,...

4 Ways to Maximizing Direct Mail Reach

Even though direct mail has a reputation as so yesterday when it comes to reaching donors, it has constantly performed as the most cost-effective and wide-reaching fundraising method. Mail reach is effective and offers a high return on investment. During the recent...