
Practical Ways to Protect Your Online Privacy

Source: MoneyWatch Your personal information is under a nearly constant assault from hackers and criminals, and you can no longer trust in luck and safety in numbers for protection. Just a few days ago, I told you about how criminals can use social engineering to...

Tips on Printing Annual Reports

If you are designing an annual report for a client, or for your employer, you may want to consider the following: Design with distribution in mind. Copies of you annual report will need to fit in standard or custom envelopes and be mailed. To keep prices down,...

777 Business and Marketing Ideas

Source: Rosh Sillars I’ve put together a list of 777 business and marketing ideas for you to use as a powerful resource. This is not my first time at the business list rodeo. In 2009, I compiled 189 business ideas for photographers. That went so well that in 2010 I...

Top 5 SEO Projections for 2013

Source: Business2Community 2012 is coming to an end and Google has been very active with the latest Panda and Penguin updates during this year. Indeed, search engine optimization is a moving target of every webmaster competing for traffic! In this article, we will...